Grounded in Self
Yoga and Chi Gong are beautiful spiritual disciplines from the East—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual practices that transform our life on all levels.
Yoga, Chi Gong and Meditation
The traditions of Yoga and Taoism are the foundation of my work and are skillfully woven into each of my offerings. Yoga and Taoism are beautiful spiritual disciplines from the East—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual practices that transform your life on all levels. I am where I am today through my dedication to daily spiritual practice. The invaluable resources of my life’s experience and inner wisdom has guided my inherent values and integrity. Committed to my own healing and introspection, I am passionate about assisting you through your life’s processes.
All journey work needs to be integrated in the physical world—integration and change happen in the present moment. Develop awareness and learn how to bring a daily practice into your life. A daily discipline empowers your relationship to your body and inner world through creating balance, harmony and cultivating conscious choice. Choice is freedom.
Ten minutes a day can re-wire your nervous system. This will support you to understand your tendencies and inspire you to make different choices toward health and well-being.
Meditation is a wonderful tool to quiet the mind. With consistent practice, you are able to harness the mind as an ally instead of being controlled by it. I offer guidance to establish a simple daily practice.
I have studied Yoga for twenty years and am very grateful for my beloved teacher, Swami Muktibodhananda. I have studied Taoism for ten years and am grateful to Master Mantak Chia.
If you are interested in developing a daily spiritual practice or need counsel in over coming resistance, please email: to set up an appointment.