About Briege
My passion is the healing inner journey, making the great return home to Self.
My Story
My life’s work is to support the process of transformation. I have been on a long journey home to live my soul’s purpose—a journey of exploration, healing, love and growth. Living in Hong Kong, on the other side of the world, I was forced to confront myself. Courage and compassion were my allies to turn inward and address why I was suffering. I let go of searching in the external world for acknowledgement and happiness, and committed to the deep quest of integrity through self-acceptance. At last I realized, as challenging and difficult as it would be to own and value my story, it would be far less difficult than spending my life running from it.
My passion is the healing inner journey, making the great return home to Self. Everything you are looking for is within. Embodied mindfulness, self awareness and peace are the gifts of this journey.
Along the way, I was blessed to meet a group of pioneering, wise, compassionate and loving teachers who are still my mentors today. Through their support and my own hard work, I have let go of compulsive behaviour and have reclaimed my natural essence, rhythm and innate beauty. I invite you pursue your own journey.

As a dedicated Yogini and Yoga Teacher, Medicine Woman, Somatic Counsellor and Psychospiritual Facilitator, I utilize Yoga, Alchemy and Taoist practices as the vehicle to take myself home. I guide others in their process and journey inward to living an authentic, soul expressed and fulfilled life. My teachings and offerings weave together the elements of love, kindness, wisdom and creativity—to cultivate balance, harmony, transformation and empowerment.
I have a Masters degree in East-West Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, a convergence of Eastern spiritual and Western psychological traditions. Ralph Metzner, Ph.D. was my teacher and mentor for twenty years. For the past three decades, I have studied extensively in the healing arts, deepening in practices that benefit healing and integration of mind, heart, body and spirit. I have extensive knowledge, methods and tools to support the process of healing trauma, being authentically embodied and living a life of heart of meaning.